Alpine Strawberries, also known as “woodland” or “wild” strawberries, are much smaller in size than most strawberries, with a delicate, fragrant aroma. In fact, these strawberries are known for that intense flavor and aroma, and are often described as being sweeter and more flavorful than other varieties of strawberries. Many people enjoy eating alpine strawberries fresh, or using them in a variety of sweet and savory dishes.
You will get a mix of red and white berries, all of which are picked ripe and ready to eat. Alpine Strawberries do not ship or store well, and only berries that are grown within our local foodshed can be picked ripe enough for OtterBee’s.
Grown at Smith River Organic Farm (Smith River, CA), a small organic, permaculture farm that is farmer Terry Allaway’s pride and joy. Terry is one of our local permaculture experts, speaking at a variety of events and sharing her knowledge with those interested in growing food according to nature.
Picked within 24 hours of delivery. We recommend you refrigerate your berries right away, and eat them within a day or two after you get them! Limit 1 per customer, please.