Smith River Wildcrafting (Smith River, CA) grows Sunchokes, using organic practices, for late fall and early winter harvest. Sold by the pound.
Also known as “Jeruselem Artichokes”, they are neither from Jeruselem NOR are they related to artichokes. Rather, this edible tuber is a member of the sunflower family and is native to North America, growing in the wild and cultivated on farms. The flowering part of the plant resembles a bright yellow sunflower. You eat the root or tuber, which has thin, papery skin and a white, creamy interior.
Sunchokes are mild, sweet, and crunchy, with a nutty taste similar to water chestnuts, hazelnuts, and jicama. They are a great source of iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium; are super high in fiber and low in carbohydrates; and contain inulin. (NOTE: while inulin has certain healthful benefits, it can cause gassiness or bloating when eaten in excess. Eating a handful-sized amount shouldn’t cause any problems, but eating in moderation is recommended.) Sunchokes keep for quite a while in the crisper.
Check out this link for ideas about how to use sunchokes: What Are Sunchokes & How To Use Them.